It was my first time visiting Taiwan's remoted island, Penghu. Penghu is not a noisy tourist attraction like Kenting, it is a quiet fisherman villiage where still reserves its original life style.

In such a small country like Taiwan, imbalance allocation of resources happened too, Taiwanese government owes these residences, Penghu could be developed like Cebu or Bohol in Philippines, at least have a nice resort to attract foreign traveler. But the government always stood them up, several projects were started then canceled in the mid-way, residents lost jobs, but they still remain hope though. I wish our government can stop fighting internally for unrealistic political issues, but work on more productive development for its people and Taiwan. Penghu is a beautiful place, it could be recognized globally by its cleanest water/beaches, coastline and nature. Thanks Mei-huey (游美惠), the local tourguide from Pica Pica company, for the professional introduction. I will "induce" my family and friends to visit Penghu.



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